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Mouette Workshop first screen backgroung photo
Mouette Workshop second screen illustration

сraft studio

— this is a captivating story that unites the families, immerse them into the atmosphere of childhood and encourage them to spend more time together forgetting about the daily hustle and bustle.

Mouette has the comfortable chilling area for parents situated in a cozy cafe, which let them look after their kids all the time.

For sure, our delicious coffee accompanied by an airy French croissant will cheer you up too.

Our spot is a craft area enriched with the modern eco-friendly details of the interior.

Kids ball pit, a huge-huge balloon and all the stuff for kids and their parents - everything is made of high-quality hand-finished wood.

The Craft Studio
is adorned
with the exclusive

signature handmade toys. As well as that, there is a dry pool full of fabric balls and big wheel of fortune for our sweetest and youngest guests!

All the attractions are made of the certified high-quality children-friendly materials.

And after all, you get a pleasant bonus: after the active games at Mouette you child will eat everything you'd like him to and then easily will fall asleep.

We are sure that you haven't been to such spots before! So, check it out and see it all for yourself...

Mouette Workshop third screen photo